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The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Education

Group 3

By: Cecilia Massis, Kai Konishi, and Rawan Rafea


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction

  2. Demographics

  3. The Challenges of Learning During a Global Pandemic

  4. Online or In-Person Classes?

  5. The Impact of the Online Environment

  6. So How Do We Make It Better?

  7. Our Experiences



The coronavirus pandemic is undoubtedly the defining global health crisis of our time and the greatest challenge we are facing now. This pandemic is affecting people differently from all around the world, and as global citizens, we have decided to investigate the impact of the pandemic on students living in certain regions in the world. The method of the investigation is a multi-step process. It involved a two-sided interview where three participants in the Intercultural Project discussed the impact of the pandemic on the student life from a personal view. Then, a survey was created based on the interview. It involved multiple forms of questions that were designed to explore the different aspects of a student life during the pandemic. These aspects include academic life, social life, diet, exercise, mental health, sleeping patterns and more. The survey was sent to 33 Canadian students and 23 Japanese students from January 21, 2020 until February 11, 2021, where they have answered the questions based on their personal experience.The aim of collecting this data is to pinpoint the different impacts of the pandemic, and therefore, getting students’ voices heard by academic leaders in order to find effective solutions.


As aforementioned above, we have collected data from 33 Canadian students and 23 Japanese students by handing out a survey with the same questions for both counterparts in order to enable a cross-cultural comparison. This part will demonstrate the demography of the respondents in detail.

Japanese students:

As the chart indicates for the Japanese students, a variety of students from different universities answered the survey despite the concentration on respondents from Keio University. First, the demography of the students in terms of which university they attended is as follows: Keio University 69.6% (16 students), Waseda University 13.0% (3 students), Seijo University 13.0% (3 students), Gakushuin University 4.3% (1 student).

Second, with regards to their major at university, the majority of the Japanese students (21 students) answered they were in the field of Social Science (Law, Political Science, Literature, Media, Mass Communication, Finance) and a few (2 students) in Natural Science (Medicine and Environment and Information).

Third, as for the year they were in, 18 students answered they were in the 4th year whereas 4 students answered they were in their 3rd year and 1 student was in his/her 1st year, making it the total of 23.

Fourth, as for the gender of the respondents, as the chart shows, those who identify themselves as female and male accounted for 52.2% (12 students) and 47.8% (11 students) respectively.

Canadian students:

As the chart shows, the Canadian side also had a wide range of students from different universities across Canada in spite of the concentration on respondents from Queen’s University. First, the demography of the students in terms of which university they attended is as shown below. The most respondents came from Queen’s University with 19 students (57.6%) and the second most respondents were from McMaster University with 5 students (15.2%).

Second, with regards to their major at university, the majority of the Canadian students (18 students) answered they were in the field of Health Science, which accounted for 51.5% of all respondents, and it was also revealed that there were a variety of students with different programs, ranging from Fashion Design (1 student), Business (1 student) to Kinesiology (1 student).

Third, as for the year they were in, we did not see as much diversity. 90.9% (30 students) of respondents answered they were in the 1st year while 2nd and 3rd year students only accounted for 6.1% (2 students) and 3.0% (1 student) respectively.

Fourth, with regards to the gender of the respondents, as the chart indicates, those who identify themselves as female and male accounted for 81.8% and 12.1% respectively, and 2 students answered with prefer not to say.

The Challenges of Learning During a Global Pandemic

As many people have discovered over the course of this pandemic, online learning has come with several new challenges. Due to the nature of online learning and the general state of the world, educational facilities and students alike have been put to the test during this past school year. Students have demonstrated their resilience and desire to learn despite these trying circumstances. After interviewing 56 students in 2 countries, we have noticed that although many students feel their universities did support them, there is still room for improvement. Over half of the Canadian students interviewed (51%) thought that their university was adequately prepared to provide education in an online environment (preparedness rated 4 out of 5). Out of the Japanese students interviewed, only 35% also rated their university’s preparedness a 4 out of 5. Although these numbers are relatively high, there were also 27% of Canadian students and 52% of Japanese students that rated their university’s preparedness a 3 or lower.

Unfortunately, regardless of the university’s preparedness only 15% of Canadian students and 9% of Japanese students rated their satisfaction with the online format as a 5 out of 5. Most Canadians (42%) reported their level of satisfaction to be a 3 and the largest portion of Japanese students (39%) reported it to be a 2. When considering the reasoning for our respondents to rate their university lower or higher, we determined one of the most predominant factors in our personal experiences was access to resources. We asked participants if they feel that the online learning environment has reduced the availability of necessary research resources on a scale of 1 (I did not have what I needed) to 5 (I had access to everything I needed). The participants reported a wide range of responses, with the largest number of Canadian students (36%) reporting a 3, and the largest number of Japanese students (30%) reporting a 2. We therefore also asked the students whether they thought they had the resources to deal with the changes the pandemic brought. The majority of both groups of students (52% of Canadian students and 39% of Japanese students) reported a level of confidence of 4 out of 5. Overall, only 15% of Canadian students and 26% of Japanese students prefer online classes over in-person classes.

Online or In-Person Classes?

When the Japanese students were asked if they have had any in-person classes or labs during the pandemic, 52.2% answered yes, while the remaining 47.8% answered no.

As for the Canadian students, the data indicates that none of them had any in-person classes or labs throughout the pandemic.

This led to the next question of opinion: do you prefer online or in-person classes? The data from both the Japanese and Canadian students showed a preference for in-person classes: 73.9% of the Japanese students favoured in-person classes over online classes and 84.8% of Canadian students showed a similar bias.

The Impact of the Online Environment

Before discussing potential solutions to students during the pandemic, a set of data that highlights the impacts of the pandemic was vital. Therefore, we have investigated the effects of the online environment on different aspects of a student’s life. We have asked the participants to select the areas that have been impacted by online settings in their lives:

This figure shows nine areas that students have classified as “affected by online settings” and one “no impact” category. As shown in the figure, the blue data represent the answers provided by the Canadian students. Whereas the turquoise data represent the answers provided by the Japanese students.

As we predicted, the number one aspect that has been impacted by the online environment is the social aspect with 28 votes from the Canadian students and 14 votes from the Japanese students [ CA= 84.8% , JP=60.9% ].

Learning is another area that has been selected by many students from both countries as an aspect that has been impacted by the online environment. Learning has a total of 29 votes from the Canadian students and a total of 12 votes from the Japanese students [ CA= 87.9 % , JP= 52.2%].

The discrepancy in exercising patterns seems to be a result of online learning as well. Exercise patterns has a total of 19 votes from the Canadian students and a total of 12 votes from the Japanese students [ CA= 57.6% , JP= 52.2%].

Another pattern discrepancy is evident in sleeping data. A total of 25 students from Canada have selected sleep as one of the categories that have been impacted by the online environment. Whereas 7 students from Japan have indicated that sleeping patterns have been impacted by the online settings [CA= 75.8% , JP= 30.4% ].

As for diet, a total vote of 17 was obtained from Canadian students and a total vote of 6 was obtained from the Japanese students [ CA=51.5% , JP= 26.1% ].

When faced with the changes and the challenges brought by the pandemic, the mental health of the students is one of the most significant areas to consider. According to our survey, the mental health category has total of 25 votes from the Canadian students and a total of 10 votes from the Japanese students [ CA= 75.8% , JP= 43.5% ].

The above categories were selected by student from both countries: Canada and Japan.

However, there were other two areas that have been impacted by the online settings according to students:

One student from Japan has indicated that tuition was altered during the pandemic [ CA= 0% , JP= 4.3%]

One student from Canada has provided a category that was not brought up during our discussion which Is eyesight [ CA= 3% , JP= 0%]

Interestingly, one student from Japan and one student from Canada have indicated that the online environment has not impacted any aspect in their lives [ CA= 3% , JP= 4.3% ].

So How Do We Make it Better?

After much discussion among ourselves and with our peers, we have identified some of the most challenging aspects of the online learning environment and complied a series of potential changes that would benefit students.

1. Interaction.

Many of the students we interviewed agreed that the pre-recorded videos are not a very interactive or effective method of administration. Students suggested more synchronous or live classes. This would provide opportunities to ask questions to professors and create social connections. The interviewed students also felt that they are missing out on the peer relationships and that they would benefit from having the opportunity to share thoughts in small classes or online study groups. Although many recognized that it is not always safe or possible, a combination of both in-person and online classes would help overcome some of these barriers.

2. Mental health support.

Much of the world is experiencing new levels of stress, but students in particular are feeling the great effects of this pandemic. The uncertainty of the current situation and the impacts of social isolation are taking a toll on student mental health and many feel as though they do not have the support they need. The respondents from our survey suggested creating accessible and de-stigmatized mental health services available to students to help support them during this time.

3. Financial support.

A number of respondents expressed their frustration with the fact tuition was not altered due to the pandemic even though their learning experience was greatly affected. The financial burden of university is a big stressor for many students and supporting students financially would decrease some of the stress. Many students also felt that their university should have also supported them in acquiring a reliable Wi-Fi connection to effectively participate in their classes.

4. Flexibility.

In this particularly stressful and uncertain time, students feel the extra pressure of submitting their assignments on time. Having deadlines that are more flexible would allow for easier learning and school-life balance instead of having to sacrifice mental health for grades. Many students also felt that they would benefit from more opportunities to succeed rather than simply an exam worth 50% or more of their final grade. Without the structure of in-person classes a number of students are easily overwhelmed by the copious amounts of work posted by the professors every week and feel a decrease in the number of weekly tasks would allow them to spend less time sitting alone in front of their computer and instead be able to study to understand the material and not just to meet their deadlines.

5. Consistency.

One of the most common suggestions that we received from the survey results was creating consistency among all the professors and classes. The interviewed students felt that it was unnecessarily confusing to have multiple platforms for each of their courses. Having one platform and format of administration for all the classes would allow easier access to the necessary materials and a way to see all assignments and deadlines in one place.

Our Experiences

On a more personal note, as a first-year Canadian student who was meant to be studying Health Sciences abroad in England this year, I have undoubtedly also felt the effects of the pandemic. Fortunately, throughout this challenging academic year I have also felt very much supported by my university. Due to the high quality of the modules and content I received, I feel that my university was very prepared to offer my courses in an online environment, even though I would much prefer in-person classes. The support of the BISC through clubs, committees, and the mentorship and coaching programs, I have been able to get all the support and resources I needed.

- Cecilia, Queen's University

My journey as an International student in Canada has been very interesting during the pandemic. I wanted to go back to Turkey and Dubai to visit my family and friends but that was not possible due to the travel restrictions. This had a huge negative impact on the social aspect of my life. As for the academic aspects, I would say that the BISC has dealt with pandemic in a very professional manner. My university was prepared to shift to an online learning environment as it offered our courses on OnQ and Elentra, which are both online learning platforms. In addition, the BISC has many activities, events, projects, and programs to enhance our social lives, extracurricular activities, and our personal skills. I would say that this year has been pretty manageable thanks to the support that I got from myself, my university, my friends, and my family.

- Rafea, Queen's University

Looking back, at the onset of the pandemic, I personally had no idea what the university education at Keio would be like for upcoming semesters. I actually thought it was going to be a real, huge struggle for me to adapt to the "new normal". However, against all expectations, online classes at Keio for the past two semesters had been overall satisfactory. Although professors and university staff seemed to be confused and struggling to react and deal with this unprecedented event, after a few months had passed since the beginning of the semester, everything started to settle down and we all started to adapt and feel comfortable with the whole new educational environment. Overall, I am very thankful for the support I received from the university and very satisfied with the content of online classes.

- Kai, Keio University

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